University Of Notre Dame

The university has one of the top three D1 football programs in the top 30 colleges, along with the University of Southern California and University of Michigan. And the Fighting Irish excel in a wide variety of sports, from basketball to fencing, winning 34 national championships since 1924.  University is the nation’s leading Catholic research university.  It is  providing a distinctive voice in higher education that is at once rigorously intellectual, unapologetically moral in orientation, and firmly embracing of a service ethos. It offers a world-class academic experience with opportunities for student research  and projects that go beyond the classroom. The university aims to “foster personal spiritual growth” and provides and supports different forms of worship, opportunities for retreats, service, and pilgrimages, and more.




Notre Dame

Public / Private


QS world Ranking


National Rank


Approximate tuition fee cost

57192 USD/Year

Cost of Living in that particular city

15984 USD/Year

Programs offered

Programs Offered For Bachelor's

1. B.Sc. Accountancy.
2. B.Sc. Environmental Sciences.
3. B.A. International Economics.
4. B.Sc. Marketing.
5. B.Sc. Biochemistry.

Programs offered For Master's

1. M.Sc. Accountancy.
2. MBA Business Analytics.
3. M.Sc. Environmental Engineering.
4. M.Sc. Global Health.
5. M.Arch Architecture.

Top Reasons To Study Here

1. Students also have the option of pursuing dual degree programs through the College of Science and either the College of Engineering or the College of Business.
2. Notre Dame has several religious and spiritual traditions, with 47 chapels across campus, including one in every residence hall.
3. One of America’s leading undergraduate teaching institutions, Notre Dame also has been at the forefront in research and scholarship.
4. Notre Dame always has been heavily residential, with about four in five undergraduates living on campus.
5. The University always has attracted scholars who are interested in teaching and scholarship, men and women who know that a Notre Dame education is more than what is taught in classrooms and laboratories.
6. Notre Dame has a unique spirit. It is traditional, yet open to change. It is dedicated to religious belief no less than to scientific knowledge. It has always stood for values in a world of facts.

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