1. The University of Parma is a State University. As such, it is self-governing and has administrative, organisational, and accountancy autonomy, while providing tailored services for students.
2. The University holds 9 Departments, 40 First Cycle Degree Courses, 6 Single Cycle Degree Courses, 46 Second Cycle Degree Courses (7 of which entirely held in English), as well as many Postgraduate schools, Teacher Training courses, several Master Programmes and PhDs.
3. The ideal size of the University (27,000 students, with more than 5,000 graduates per year and about 1,700 faculty and staff members), together with the quality of life in Parma has always attracted a large number of students from all over Italy.
4. More than two-thirds of our registered students come from outside of Parma and its Province: for this reason the University deserves top ranking for attracting the most non-resident students nationwide.
5.The services and facilities of the University of Parma attract an ever-growing number of students. There are information points and career counselling services to help students with their university-related choices, a strong international network for teaching activities and research, and a lively exchange of students thanks to community programmes and scholarships.
6. Libraries, computer laboratories and Internet access points, student residences and canteens, part-time jobs, cultural activities, a toll-free number and post-graduation career counseling are all available to students – along with interviews and specific courses to help there graduates to find the perfect job.